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Greater Manchester News
Sleeping too much doubles your risk of Parkinson's - the Daily Mail 11/07/06
Sleeping too long could be bad for your health, new research shows. A team of scientists have found that people who sleep at least nine hours a night are almost twice as likely to develop Parkinson's disease as those who get by on six hours or less.
Superfoods: All you need to eat - Independent 11/07/06
Forget vitamin pills. 'Superfoods' are the real thing - and they pack a bigger nutritional punch. So which are best? Anastasia Stephens reports
Office anxiety: What can we do about it? - Independent 11/07/06
Office anxiety is now so rampant that psychologists have identified it as a whole new syndrome. What can we do about it?
Magic mushrooms can induce mystical effects, study finds - Independent 11/07/06
A universal mystical experience with life-changing effects can be produced by the hallucinogen contained in magic mushrooms, scientists claim today.
550 dying needlessly of strokes every year -The Times 11/07/06
HUNDREDS of people are dying unnecessarily in England each year and many more are left disabled because the NHS and Department of Health fail to give sufficient priority to victims of strokes (Nigel Hawkes writes)
MPs attack 'needless' stroke deaths - Guardian 11/07/06
NHS 'fails to treat strokes properly' - Independent 11/07/06
Creation of the test-tube father -The Times 11/07/06
Scientists have raised hopes of an end to male infertility after producing mice using artificial sperm
Mice born from sperm created in laboratory - Guardian 11/07/06
Failures at the top blamed for rising deficits in NHS - The Times 11/07/06
POOR leadership, bad management and inadequate board members are the main reasons for hospitals and primary care trusts running up deficits, the Audit Commission has found.
Your genes, but are they your children? - The Times 11/07/06
THE new possibilities of artificial sperm and eggs will generate new controversies. There are parallels with the use of eggs from aborted foetuses in fertility treatment, an idea widely considered unethical.
International News
If the UK's National Health Service (NHS) is to be saved from failure and privatisation its future should be planned by those independent of any personal conflict of interest, states the author of a Comment in this week's issue of The Lancet.
Ovarian Cancer Risk Could Be Cut By A Third By Regular Paracetamol Use - Medical News Today 11/07/06
Using paracetamol regularly could reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by almost a third, according to a detailed analysis in the July issue of British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.
Suicide Risk High In England And Wales For Recently Released Prisoners - Medical News Today 11/07/06
Recently released prisoners in England and Wales are at a much greater risk of suicide than the general population, according to a study in this week's issue of The Lancet.
Understanding The ‘Machinery' Of Smell - Medical News Today 11/07/06
A protein once thought to be a principal player in linking nerve responses in the nose to those in the brain actually has a more specialized role, according to a Yale School of Medicine study published in Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience.
The Gaea Initiative: New European, Research-Based Programme To Help Women With Early Breast Cancer- Medical News Today 11/07/06
The results of The GAEA Initiative, the first Europe-wide study of post-menopausal women with early breast cancer receiving adjuvant endocrine (hormone) therapy will be presented at a media briefing during ESMO 2006.
NWHRC Releases The Top Ways To Protect Your Eyes From The Sun - Medical News Today 11/07/06
Just as significant exposure to the sun in childhood is a leading risk factor for skin cancer in adulthood, so, too, is it a risk factor for later eye damage
Protein may help detect Alzheimer's: study - Reuters 11/07/06
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Sampling spinal fluid for a protein that makes up the plaques that clog the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients may help diagnose the mind-wasting disease, researchers said on Monday.
Eating fish helps ward off common blindness - Reuters 11/07/06
CHICAGO (Reuters) - Cigarette smoking increases the risk of the most common cause of blindness among the elderly but eating fish protects against it, according to studies published on Monday.
The new Walton Hospital revealed - Liverpool Daily Post 11/07/06
THIS is the first image of how Walton Hospital's £38.9m replacement will look when it opens next to Aintree hospital in 2010.
Women's Hospital in talks over 'twinning' with private firms - Liverpool Daily Post 11/07/06
Liverpool Women's Hospital is at the forefront of efforts to improve patient services as one of the first NHS trusts to consider a pioneering partnership with a private company. Deborah James reports on the predicted benefits
Ambulance strike looms as pay talks hit deadlock - Liverpool Daily Post 11/07/06
AMBULANCE technicians on Merseyside say a 24-hour walk-out is still on the cards after pay talks failed to reach a break-through yesterday.
Hope for disease victims - Liverpool Echo 11/07/06
A CRIPPLING disease is to be tackled with a revolutionary new treatment for patients in Merseyside.
Cumbria and Lancashire News
A&E Cuts Criticised By Doctors - Lancashire Evening Telegraph 11/07/06
Patients are being put at risk by the reduction of services at accident and emergency units, doctors said today.
Devastating Verdict On Health Shakeup - Lancashire Evening Telegraph 11/07/06
A DEVASTATING final judgement on hospital shake-up plans has been delivered by MPs and health bosses past and present.
Greater Manchester News
Health divide shock of life expectancy study - Manchester Evening News 10/07/06
BABIES born in parts of Greater Manchester could die 24 years earlier than children born elsewhere in the country, according to a shocking new study
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