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The Royal College of Physicians (UK) Trainees Committee would like your views on the national selection process for entering higher specialist training.
"I am appalled that the vulnerable people living in this facility in Cornwall have been abused by those who were supposed to protect and care for them. Abuse of vulnerable people in any setting is simply unacceptable.
GMC expert witness rule challenge - BBC News 10/07/06
The General Medical Council is challenging a High Court ruling that regulatory bodies cannot punish expert witnesses over "honest mistakes".
Most NHS trusts fail care standards - Telegraph 10/07/06
Most NHS trusts in England admitted failing to meet basic standards of safety and quality of care to patients, a report revealed today
Good diet helps in cancer treatment - Telegraph 10/07/06
...but very few sufferers are given any advice on how to improve what they eat. Barbara Lantin reports on new research that emphasises the key role of food
'Coffee could beat memory loss' - the Daily Mail 10/07/06
A newly discovered effect of coffee could lead to ways of preventing memory loss in old age.
Coffee clue could help stop memory loss - Telegraph 10/07/06
Record number of patients complain about doctors - Independent 10/07/06
Dissatisfaction with the medical profession soared last year with a record number of complaints made against doctors to the General Medical Council.
Store giants scorn new system for healthy food - Independent 10/07/06
Tesco and other companies that boycotted the new national food labelling scheme are under attack after research showed they have left shoppers confused.
60% of NHS trusts admit care failings - Guardian 10/07/06
Self-assessment reveals widespread inability to meet basic standards
Women with damaged ATM gene more likely to develop cancer - Guardian 10/07/06
Women who inherit a damaged version of a particular gene are more than twice as likely to develop breast cancer, according to research published today.
The deadly sea snail venom that will take away your pain - The Times 10/07/06
A NEW painkiller based on the venom of a sea snail will be available in Britain from today.
Danger from radiation is exaggerated, say scientists - The Times 10/07/06
THE dangers of radiation to human health have been exaggerated significantly, according to scientists who have examined the legacy of the Chernobyl disaster 20 years ago
Cinderella service that is crying out for a prince to rescue it - The Times 10/07/06
MENTAL health is always the bottom of the heap. Campaigners call it the Cinderella service, but that underestimates the problems. No prince has come and no rescue is in sight.
International News
Medical Research Council scientists have found a major clue to why shift workers suffer from increased incidence of heart disease and metabolic illnesses. The research published by a team at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, UK in the journal Current Biology (published) found that the daily "body clock" determines which enzymes are produced by the liver at which time of day and night. As a result, the ability of the liver to process meals and to deal with potentially toxic metabolites follows a regular daily progression.
University of Leicester researcher Dr Jonathan Grigg has published a study in the New England Journal of Medicine that reveals that children's breathing is limited as a result of air pollution
A revised clinical report from the AAP entitled, "Distinguishing Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) From Child Abuse Fatalities" provides health professionals with information and suggestions for avoiding stigmatizing families of SIDS victims while allowing evidence to be gathered in potential cases of infanticide.
Cheshire and Merseyside News
City medics lead way in cutting childbirth tragedy - Liverpool Daily Post 10/07/06
THE leader of the World Health Organisation's "Making Preg-nancy Safe" campaign visited Liverpool's School of Tropical Medicine last week to launch a project aimed at saving thousands of lives.
First Patients Now In New Hospital - Lancashire Evening Telegraph 10/07/06
SOME of the sickest patients from Blackburn Royal Infirmary have already moved to the town's new super hospital.
Longridge Hospital Is Excellent - Lancashire Evening Telegraph 10/07/06
Longridge Hospital has been awarded an 'excellent' mark in an official patient environment survey which is responsible for the hospital's cleanliness.
Mp Says No To Hospital Changes - Lancashire Evening Telegraph 10/07/06
BURNLEY MP Kitty Ussher said today both options for the future of Burnley General Hospital were unacceptable'.
Greater Manchester News
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