National and International News
New drive to fight asthma in children comment
Sep 12, 2004 at 14:23:09 GMT.
Hospitals, schools and doctors' surgeries will be told to overhaul the way they treat children with asthma under reforms to be unveiled by ministers this week.
Mental health tsar attacks draft Bill's 'hysterical' critics comment
Sep 12, 2004 at 14:21:59 GMT.
Senior official hits back at those who have labelled the Government's controversial reforms as 'unfit for the 21st century'
Untrained and out of control: health chiefs target rogue plastic surgeons comment
Sep 12, 2004 at 14:20:49 GMT.
We do more nips and tucks than anywhere else in Europe but, until now, little has been done to rein in unscrupulous and untrained surgeons
Binge drinkers 'risk babies with birth defects' comment
Sep 12, 2004 at 14:17:30 GMT.
All-party group calls for warning labels on alcohol bottles as EU considers use of shock images to deter smokers,6903,1302625,00.html
Salt victim backs food campaign
Sep 12, 2004 at 14:16:25 GMT.
Penny Kidwell had a hectic lifestyle before she suffered a devastating stroke at the age of 32. 'I was always at airports, grabbing a sandwich, before catching the next flight for my company,' she recalls. The long hours, the uncertainty and a fast-food diet ended when she collapsed at her parents' home in Devon and found herself paralysed down one side.,6903,1302590,00.html
NHS seeking new solutions with a hat trick
Sep 12, 2004 at 14:15:00 GMT.
NHS managers have long been accused of focusing on little other than money and waiting-list targets, but their creativity is about to be unleashed thanks to a training programme known as the Six Hats Method, pioneered by the management guru Edward de Bono.,6903,1302600,00.html
Fewer carrots, more of the stick
Sep 12, 2004 at 14:13:48 GMT.
Alan Milburn will have a new target in his sights: the 2.7 million people who claim incapacity benefit,6903,1302415,00.html
Focus: MMR: Repairing the damage
Sep 12, 2004 at 14:06:02 GMT.
Andrew Wakefield's claim that MMR was linked to autism has been debunked. Now experts must repair the damage done,,2761-1257350,00.html
MMR vaccine: Facts versus fantasies
Sep 12, 2004 at 14:04:56 GMT.
Children began receiving it in 1988 to provide immunity to measles, mumps and rubella (German measles). It is given at 13-15 months when immunity provided from mother to baby begins to wear off. About 10% of children do not develop antibodies, so a pre-school booster is given.,,2761-1257927,00.html
Lack of doctors
Sep 12, 2004 at 14:03:27 GMT.
Every year thousands of top A-level students are turned away from medical schools while the NHS recruits thousands of doctors from around the world to help run hospitals. The reason there are not enough training vacancies for doctors is not simply bad planning or lack of government funding. For many years the British Medical Association has advised the government to restrict places to about 4,000 a year.,,176-1257281,00.html
GPs ‘forced to guess’ child doses
Sep 12, 2004 at 14:00:59 GMT.
A QUARTER of children are routinely given the wrong prescriptions by their GPs, resulting in medical complications, illness and even death, a new survey has revealed.,,176-1258285,00.html
Focus: Sick children pay high price for use of adult drugs
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:58:47 GMT.
Doctors are using adult medicines to treat children — often with tragic results, writes Camillo Fracassini,,176-1258046,00.htmlJenny Hjul: NHS received first aid, when major surgery was needed
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:53:46 GMT.
There is nothing quite like the NHS to bring governments out in hives. Such is its sanctity, so iconic is its status, that prime ministers or health ministers who dare to trifle with it do so at their peril. Even Margaret Thatcher at her union-bashing best couldn’t bring herself to privatise it.,,176-1257938,00.html
Fears of litigation prevent routine cancer exams
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:50:51 GMT.
Doctors are failing to carry out routine examinations for breast and prostate cancer for fear of offending patients or being accused of assault.,,176-1257630,00.html
Jobless steered onto the sick list
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:49:03 GMT.
The crisis over Britain’s mounting incapacity benefit bill is being fuelled by jobcentre staff who routinely encourage dole applicants to make claims for sickness when they have only minor ailments.,,2087-1258417,00.html
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:42:07 GMT.
Plastic surgery patient Paula King has told why she had mounds of disgusting fat cut away from her stomach - then showed off her WOUNDS on live TV. =nip---yuk--name_page.html
'Cosmetic Surgery Live' scenes defended
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:40:20 GMT.
A woman has told The People why she decided to show off her plastic surgery wounds on Five's controversial show, Cosmetic Surgery Live.
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:34:58 GMT.
Britain's top maternity unit is facing closure - just a year after it opened. =fury-as--pound-3-5m-baby-unit-faces-the-axe-name_page.html
Hospitals' faiths bias is revealed
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:32:30 GMT.
Hospital patients and staff of religions other than Christianity have limited access to religious and spiritual care, an Edinburgh University survey has found. 6cfb9247
Focus: An injection of competition
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:30:38 GMT.
A new health insurance firm backed by Dermot Desmond will take on VHI and Bupa — and should stimulate action on the way the market is regulated, write Douglas Dalby and Jane Suiter,,176-1256909,00.html
Tread Carefully When Stubbing Out Smoking, Warns Law Firm
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:28:59 GMT.
The results of a high profile campaign show the tide has definitely turned against smoking in the workplace but employers should tread carefully when trying to stub out this age-old problem. 894390FBFABFDC4EEABD2&_start=1
Equipment boosts survival rates
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:24:57 GMT.
Life-saving heart equipment must be distributed to communities nationwide to stop people dying needlessly from sudden cardiac arrests. 7482&in_page_id=1797&in_a_source=
'Diagnosis by call centre'
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:22:49 GMT.
Out-of-hours calls to GPs will soon be answered by call-centre workers with no medical training in many areas. 7457&in_page_id=1797
A daughter's farewell
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:16:18 GMT.
Few people knew that Caron Keating had cancer — or of her seven-year quest for a cure. This is the untold story of her final years,,176-1244104,00.html
7.5 Million Britons Would Consider Cosmetic Surgery
Sep 12, 2004 at 13:06:42 GMT.
New research from the Body Beautiful Show has revealed that 20% of women (4.9 million) and 12% of men (2.6 million) want cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance; with waistline worries topping both men's and women's lists as the area most in need of the surgeon's knife. 91BC7EE750ECCC4EEC2B3&_start=1
Prostate test 'all but useless'
Sep 11, 2004 at 11:30:08 GMT.
Thousands of men may have unnecessarily undergone an invasive operation to remove their prostate, sometimes suffering impotence and incontinence as a result, because of a screening test which was yesterday written off as all but useless.,11381,1302085,00.html
Medical trials of cannabis show positive results
Sep 11, 2004 at 11:29:11 GMT.
Research could soon show that cannabis could be a helpful long-term treatment for multiple sclerosis sufferers.,2763,1302145,00.html
Bullish line by Reid on merits of NHS
Sep 11, 2004 at 11:27:51 GMT.
The health secretary, John Reid, told his European counterparts yesterday that Britain's tax-funded NHS will be able to cope with the health needs of an ageing population better than their social insurance systems.,7369,1302237,00.html
Surgeons praise UK heart op safety
Sep 11, 2004 at 11:26:17 GMT.
Heart surgeons announced yesterday that cardiac operations are as safe in the UK and Ireland as anywhere in the world, but drew back from publishing league tables of individual consultants' death rates.,11381,1302206,00.html
The fear of uncertainty
Sep 11, 2004 at 11:22:33 GMT.
Many new students find it tougher to adapt to university than they imagined. Barbara Lantin explains why. ealth/2004/09/11/ixhmain.html
More surviving heart surgery
Sep 11, 2004 at 11:19:12 GMT.
The percentage of adults who die as a result of common heart surgery is lower in Britain than in the United States, a study of 210,000 patients showed yesterday.;sessionid=JJ4MOEAUY32ZVQFIQMFSM54AVCBQ0JVC?xml =/news/2004/09/11/nheart11.xml&sSheet=/news/2004/09/11/ixnewstop.html&secureRefresh=true& _requestid=64389
How the fit and fabulous stay that way: Ty, 32
Sep 11, 2004 at 11:09:32 GMT.
Hip hop musician Ty, 32, loves Nigerian food and t’ai chi but also has a weakness for girlie drinks.,,175-1254738,00.html
The P45 exercise plan - 1
Sep 11, 2004 at 11:04:25 GMT.
Three breakfasts a day and canapés in trendy bars was standard fare for the deputy editor of The Face — but then redundancy inspired Tom Whitwell to break rocks and get fit,,175-1254611,00.html,,175-1254611_2,00.html
How to cheat at eating ... coleslaw
Rated 1 in Health; News on Sep 11, 2004 at 11:02:14 GMT.
Juliette Kellow taste tests a selection,,175-1254588,00.html
A feast for the mind
Sep 11, 2004 at 10:34:55 GMT.
Can you turn a bitter experience into something sweet? Her great-grandmother Lilla’s recipe for survival in a Japanese concentration camp gave Frances Osborne food for thought,,175-1254590,00.html,,175-1254590_2,00.html
Sex with Dr Thomas Stuttaford and Suzi Godson
Rated 1 in Health; News on Sep 11, 2004 at 10:32:07 GMT.
I am 58 and for the past year or so have had a problem in that, when aroused, my erection bends upwards and is not long enough or hard enough for penetration. My doctor says that there is no cure. Is there any way that we can continue to have sex?,,175-1254735,00.html
Irma Kurtz: Moving on: My partner's too nice
Rated 1 in Health; News on Sep 11, 2004 at 10:29:17 GMT.
Fifteen years ago I fell in love with a woman while I was on holiday alone, recovering from cancer — now totally cured. I was at a low ebb after months of treatment, but she completely transformed my life — picked me up and gave everything meaning again. She’s bubbly and enthusiastic about everything — it was just what I needed. Three years later, we were married. We have no children; I never really wanted them, though she did.,,175-1254993,00.html
Mark Henderson: Junk medicine: Hidden agendas
Sep 11, 2004 at 10:25:34 GMT.
Today’s scientists often complain that they are forced to operate in a climate of suspicion. Since the BSE crisis a decade ago, public faith in the objective nature of their work has been significantly eroded. Scientific opinion and advice that was once taken largely on trust now rarely passes unquestioned. To win support, the researcher must not only show that her methods and conclusions are sound. She must also convince the public of her honourable intentions.,,175-1254606,00.html
Dr Copperfield: Inside the mind of a GP: Drug costs
Sep 11, 2004 at 10:21:38 GMT.
A computer glitch let my patients find out the true cost of their drugs. Brilliant,,175-1254609,00.html
Don’t leave me this way
Sep 11, 2004 at 10:19:13 GMT.
We recently enjoyed a lovely two-week family summer holiday but my 18-month-old son has not settled back into nursery, which he attends full-time. He cries and clings to me when I leave him there. The staff say he has been crying during the day and is not eating very much. He started nursery a year ago and settled in easily then — he seemed to enjoy being there. His unhappiness is very upsetting for all of us. What can we do?,,175-1254921,00.html
Monstrous good luck
Sep 11, 2004 at 10:17:00 GMT.
It’s nearly 2ft long, eats birds and mice, starves for nine months every year and is one of only two venomous lizards in the world. If it bites you it won’t let go and its venom can cause extreme pain, swelling, and vomiting. It has also provided the answer to one of the key puzzles faced by scientists looking for new treatments for diabetes.,,175-1254920,00.html
Gym mistress: Amanda Platell: View from the exercise bike
Sep 11, 2004 at 10:14:41 GMT.
It is unusually peaceful on the exercise bikes this morning. For the first time I can remember, I cycle alone.,,175-1254615,00.html
Nice men don't shout
Sep 11, 2004 at 10:11:54 GMT.
What do you do when a mate loses it? Bruce Millar takes the manly approach — horror and fear.,,175-1255000,00.html
Bodylicious: Bits and pieces
Rated 1 in Health; News on Sep 11, 2004 at 10:09:06 GMT.
Anna Shepard looks at teeth cleaning products,,175-1254612,00.html
Sorted: Eco-friendly cleaning products: Green germ warfare
Sep 11, 2004 at 10:07:15 GMT.
If you’re a devil with the dishwashing, a demon with the duster or a harpie with the Harpic, you may be doing the dirty on Mother Nature. Research has shown that more chemical pollution of the environment comes from domestic use of household products such as detergents and cosmetics than from the industries that produce the chemicals in the first place. So think before you flush — and try out these greener, cleaner products.,,175-1254596,00.html
Too posh to wash
Sep 11, 2004 at 10:03:58 GMT.
All of a sudden, I want to be unhygienic. I am sitting with Britain’s foremost celebrity scrubbers, Kim and Aggie, of TV’s How Clean is Your House? And Kim is in full flow. “If you are having guests, never leave them a bar of soap at the sink. You should have a pump-type soap dispenser,” she decrees. “You don’t want to share someone’s soap, they could have eczema. And you should leave them paper towels. It’s not fanaticism. It’s just showing a bit of thought.”,,175-1254597,00.html
Sleep is the answer
Sep 11, 2004 at 09:58:14 GMT.
Ever woken up with the solution to the problem that was bugging you all day? You’re not alone. According to a new survey, nearly a third of us have our best ideas while in bed. Sadly for British industry, just 11 per cent of us have good ideas at work. Clearly we should be allowed to sleep on the job.,,175-1254709,00.html
Putting kids before costs
Sep 11, 2004 at 09:56:12 GMT.
The Government is finally tackling health in schools. But is it enough?,,175-1254722,00.html
Darian Leader: Analyse this: Teenage suicide pacts
Sep 11, 2004 at 09:53:05 GMT.
The tragic story of the suicide pact made by two teenage girls highlights a problem not only about bullying but about the unconscious processes at play during adolescence.,,175-1254718,00.html
On-line casinos lure women into hidden addiction
Sep 11, 2004 at 09:49:08 GMT.
Women and middle-class teenagers are now as likely to have a flutter as betting-shop punters because of the boom in internet casinos.,,175-1256136,00.html
Don't forget the pills
Sep 11, 2004 at 09:36:55 GMT.
From remembering where we left our keys to recalling the names of acquaintances, we could soon be taking drugs that boost our memories,,175-1254724,00.html
Interview: Kirsty Young: The show must go on
Sep 11, 2004 at 09:34:52 GMT.
TV’s Kirsty Young has always been a driven woman but, she tells Tim Teeman, a brush with death from meningitis early in her career made her even more ambitious,,175-1254594,00.html
Foetal detraction
Sep 11, 2004 at 09:32:19 GMT.
Is the binge-drinking culture among young women boosting the number of babies born with severe mental disabilities, asks Lisa Grainger.,,175-1254608,00.html
Moody? You’ve got PMT, mate
Sep 11, 2004 at 09:26:31 GMT.
Men suffer from the same monthly mood swings, loss of concentration and pain as premenstrual women, scientists said yesterday.,,175-1256113,00.html
Cannabis study confirms benefit to MS patients
Sep 11, 2004 at 09:21:10 GMT.
Cannabis-based medicines may have long-term benefits for multiple sclerosis patients, a trial has shown.,,175-1256116,00.html
Cannabis extract may slow symptoms of MS, study says
Sep 11, 2004 at 09:13:43 GMT.
Multiple sclerosis sufferers were offered a glimmer of hope yesterday by research suggesting cannabis can help to slow the disease.
Death rates of heart surgeons revealed
Sep 11, 2004 at 09:00:05 GMT.
Heart surgeons publicly counted their dead for the first time yesterday.
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