Sleeping pills ‘double’ risk of having car crash the next day - Daily Mail 24th November 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sleeping pills prescribed to hundreds of thousands of Britons could more than double their risk of road accidents, scientists have found.

Research showed that men and younger people are more likely to be involved in a car crash the day after taking the pills than women and the elderly.

tags: Sleep, Drug Therapy, Road Accidents, Risk Evaluation, Health, News, UHN, Daily Mail


john..... said...

"Sleeping pills ‘double’ risk of having car crash the next day - Daily Mail 24th November 2008" is a very interesting and boggling post. i did not know this fact and will remember not to pop pills if i have to drive a car the other day. thanks man for opening my eye. but do you know any no win no fee attorney who i can contact in case of any misfortune. please comment