Scientists attack plan to upgrade cannabis - The Guardian 25th November 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Government plans to overrule its own drug advisers and reclassify cannabis as a more dangerous substance are attacked by leading scientists and MPs in a letter to the Guardian today.

The home secretary, Jacqui Smith, intends to move cannabis from class C to class B, where it will sit alongside amphetamines, such as speed, and barbiturates. The move comes despite repeated recommendations from the government’s drug advisers that its classification should not be upgraded.

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tags: Drugs of Abuse, Legislation, Health, News, UHN, The Guardian

Additional Stories

  1. Letter: Lords must stop plan to reclassify cannabis- The Guardian 25th November 2008
  2. Government advisors could call for Ecstasy to be downgraded - The Telegraph 25th November 2008
  3. Government experts could soon back plans to downgrade Ecstasy to a Class B drug - Daily Mail 25th November 2008