Caesarean rates worryingly high say midwives - The Guardian 26th September 2008

Friday, September 26, 2008

Caesarean section rates show no signs of coming down, according to official statistics, in spite of concern that they are too high. The NHS Information Centre said yesterday that just under a quarter of deliveries, 24%, were caesareans in 2006-7, as they were the year before. About half of those were emergencies and the rest pre-planned. Efforts to persuade more women and their doctors to attempt a normal delivery seem to have had little impact. The UK rate is considerably higher than the World Health Organisation's target for no more than 10-15% of deliveries to be by caesarean section.

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Additional Stories

Rate of caesareans worryingly high, the Royal College of Midwives warns - The Telegraph 26th September 2008

Home births boom as more women fear hospital infections and midwife shortages - Daily Mail 26th September 2008

Tags: Caesarean, UHN, Health, News, Obstetrics, Statisitical Data, Midwifery, Staff Supply, The Guardian