Anti-natal: Zoe Williams on parenting - The Guardian 22nd August 2008

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

You know how I hate to repeat myself, but I repeat: if you are not pregnant for the first time, right now, go and read something else. You'll just be bored if you stay here. Right, where were we? Weight gain in pregnancy. As C said, while I was standing at a mirror bitching and moaning at my horrible arse in my disgusting trousers: "Did you expect to do a whole pregnancy without putting on any weight?" NoofcourseIdidn'tstupid. But I thought it would be more mysterious. I didn't think it would be as workaday as just eating all the time and ergo getting fat. But we established last week, if that's how you are, physiologically, that's how you are. Surrender to it!

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