Editorial: A promising prescription - The Guardian 1st July 2008

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

At first blush the insistence of the surgeon turned minister, Professor Lord Ara Darzi, that the NHS should have "quality of care at its heart" seems a statement of the blindingly obvious. After all, every decent medic aims at caring well. But the emphasis on quality running through the report Lord Darzi published yesterday was in fact distinctive and important. More important, indeed, than the draft NHS constitution, also published yesterday, which - despite the grand title - is principally a tidying up exercise. For, during a turbulent decade in the service, the overriding concern in Whitehall has been quantity instead.

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Analysis: a classier NHS, but choice still an illusion - The Times 1st July 2008

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Key points of the draft NHS Constitution - The Times 1st July 2008

An exercise in flawed logic at the NHS - The Times 30th June 2008

Letters to The Telegraph - The Telegraph 1st July 2008

Politicians must heed the voters over NHS reform - The Telegraph 30th June 2008