Local inequalities mark map of wellbeing - The Guardian 24th June 2008

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Big disparities in the health and behaviour of people in different parts of England are revealed for the first time today in research from the Association of Public Health Observatories. The research reveals some remarkable findings, among them the fact that women in Blackpool are eight times more likely to smoke during pregnancy than their counterparts in Richmond upon Thames, west London, while the average five-year-old in Blackburn arrives at school with more than seven times as much tooth decay as contemporaries in Lichfield, Staffordshire. The teenage pregnancy rate in Lambeth, south London, is more than six times that in Rutland. And the obesity rate among children starting school in Hackney, east London, is three times the rate in Teesdale.

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Call for health inequalities push - BBC Health News 24th June 2008