Gene test gives early alert for breast cancer - The Guardian 26th June 2008

Friday, June 27, 2008

Mouth swab could have huge effect on NHS screening programme All women could soon be offered a genetic test which would tell them whether they were likely or unlikely to contract breast cancer, scientists will say today. The test could have profound implications for the NHS breast screening programme. Researchers from Cambridge University say that women whose test result shows they are at high risk could be called for screening at a much younger age, while those at low risk could defer mammograms until they are 55 or older.

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Additional Stories

Genetic test will identify those most at risk of breast cancer - The Independent 26th June 2008

Test to determine each woman's chances of breast cancer - The Telegraph 26th June 2008

Women in their 30s will be offered gene test to check risk of breast cancer - Daily Mail 26th June 2008