Second contractor drops out of £12bn NHS computer upgrade - The Guardian 29th May 2008

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The government's £12.7bn upgrade of the NHS's IT systems suffered yet another setback yesterday as the programme's contractor in the south of England, Fujitsu, had its £896m contract terminated. With the project already over budget and far behind schedule, the withdrawal of Fujitsu is likely to add further delays. There are now only two main contractors left on the world's largest non-military IT scheme, which began with four. US-based Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) runs the programme in the north, Midlands and east of England; BT runs it in London and has built the nationwide infrastructure.

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Additional Stories

National NHS database plans delayed again - The Telegraph 29th May 2008

New blow for NHS e-record system - BBC Health News 28th May 2008