GP practices earning 58% more for 5% less work, audit office finds - The Guardian 28th February 2008

Thursday, February 28, 2008

GPs's earnings soared by more than half over the last two years, but they are doing 5% less work because they can opt out of responsibility for out-of-hours care, a spending watchdog will reveal today. A review by the National Audit Office will also say that the deal to improve pay and conditions for doctors cost £1.76bn more than the government intended, without producing the expected improvements in patients' health.

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Additional Stories

Blunder on GPs' pay cost £1.76bn - The Independent 28th February 2008

Contract was a windfall for GPs but ‘not a good deal for patients’ - The Times 28th February 2008

Report faults GP pay contract as 'poor deal' - The Telegraph 28th February 2008

GP contract 'a bad deal for NHS' - BBC Health News 28th February 2008