Inquiry faults DoH in junior doctor training - The Telegraph - 9th January 2008

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Responsibility for medical training should be stripped from the Department of Health and given to a new body, a damning report into the junior doctor fiasco has said. Billions of pounds should be removed from the core health service budget and handed over to NHS Medical Education England so funds can never again be raided to pay off hospital debts, the independent inquiry recommended. The inquiry, led by Sir John Tooke, the dean of the Peninsula College of Medicine in Exeter, was ordered after the national online application system broke down last year, leaving tens of thousands of junior doctors with an uncertain future. There were almost 28,000 applicants for 15,500 training posts in England last year and this year competition will be even worse.

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Additional stories

Health ministry criticised over doctors' reform | Society | The Guardian - 9th January 2008

Inquiry is first step to a better NHS - The Telegraph - 9th January 2008