Survey prompts call to improve sex education - The Guardian 4th December 2007

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Sex education is failing in many schools, it was claimed today, with nearly half of British young people not being taught about teenage pregnancy. A Youth Parliament survey also found that a similar proportion of teenagers said they would not know where to find their local sexual health clinic. In the survey of more than 20,000 young people in England, more than half rated the teaching in school as poor, very poor or average. Only a quarter said it was good.

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Additional Stories

Sex education works, so why is it not compulsory? - The Guardian 4th December 2007

Backlash over sex education failings - The Times 4th December 2007

Sex education and teen pregnancy - The Times 4th December 2007

Sex education 'leaves teenagers clueless' - The Telegraph 4th December 2007