Jenny Kleeman on cosmetic surgery fatalities - The Guardian 6th December 2007

Thursday, December 06, 2007

This week a poster claiming cosmetic surgery 'just got easy' was banned. The truth is, even a quick nip and tuck can kill. In the early evening of Friday July 20, Pauline Bainbridge had liposuction on her thighs. The procedure took less than an hour and she was delighted that it had gone so smoothly. By Saturday, she was out of the clinic and drinking tea on the sofa with her husband, Alan. The couple ate supper and watched a DVD until Pauline nodded off.

Link to Article


Anonymous said...

my mother had a face lift and was shocked at he amount of pain and discomfort that followed the procedure. She felt she hadn't been prepared at all and that the general attitude of 'it's an easy, routine procedure' had been very misleading. She regrets having it done and felt stupid and guilty for causing herself such pain in the name of vanity.