Homeopathic remedies 'put lives at risk' - The Telegraph 7th December 2007

Friday, December 07, 2007

The Government's chief scientific adviser gave warning yesterday that people who use homeopathic medicines could be putting their lives at risk. Sir David King said homeopathy was of no medical use whatsoever and that those who trusted it to cure serious health problems could be causing themselves more harm than good. Sir David King said homeopathy was of no medical use whatsoever Sir David said homeopathy was of no medical use whatsoever He also told MPs that the Department of Health was wrong to support the use of the alternative medicine and said there was no evidence that it worked.


Anonymous said...

Homoeopathic remedires put lives at risk - This statement is a pure bundle of falsehood. Either person stated has no knowledge of the subject or he has not verified the facts of some material provided to him by someone. I know by my personal experience since last two decades how Homoeopathy has cured a host of diseases -WITHOUT SIDE EFFECTS ! CAN THE MODERN MEDICINE DO THAT??? A false hood does not become a sacred truth if quoted by some scientist. The gentleman should have verified the facts with Homoeopathy patients atleast all over the world.