M&S pyjamas' silver lining helps stop MRSA - The Telegraph 29th November 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Pyjamas that have been designed to protect hospital patients from the MRSA superbug have gone on sale in Marks & Spencer. The £45 garment has silver thread woven into it, which tests show can reduce the spread of infections. The ongoing clinical trial's interim results are positive.

Link to Article

Additional Story

Marks & Spencer selling £45 hospital pyjamas that protect against the deadly MRSA superbug - Daily Mail 28th November 2007


Anonymous said...

I was interested in these pyjamas and contacted Marks and Spencer about them. Basically they don't have any evidence that they do what they say, but they are selling them anyway.

As the Telepgraph article says, the tests are ongoing and so they don't know what the final results will be. They are currently selling them with the claim that they are 'clinically proven' when there are no clinical results showing anything either way at present.