Row threatens to undermine hospital superbug fight - The Guardian 30th October 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A row between the Department of Health and the NHS standards watchdog is threatening to undermine the government's drive to combat hospital superbugs, the Guardian has learned. The dispute flared last week after the department told a journalist that Alan Johnson, the health secretary, was angry with the Healthcare Commission, the body that inspects standards of hygiene and infection control in hospitals across England. The commission had found management failings at Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS trust in Kent that contributed to the deaths of 90 patients during two outbreaks of the superbug Clostridium difficile.

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Additional Stories

Kent hospitals - The Times 29th October 2007

Germ warfare system to kill hospital bugs - The Sunday Times 28th October 2007
Cold war weaponry to tackle superbugs - The Sunday Telegraph 28th October 2007

Nurse to sue over her parents’ deaths from hospital superbug - The Times 27th October 2007