i4 (x X t3) (y X i1) - a1 - t4 t2 - i3 (2 X (p p2)) L1 = cold cure - The Independent on Sunday 28th October 2007

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

If there's anything worse than having a cold, it's being kept up all night by a cold. But salvation is at hand. All you have to do is: i4 (x X t3) (y X i1) - a1 - t4 t2 – i3 (2 X (p p2)) L1. This, er, simple formula is the brainchild of Dr Chris Idzikowski, the director of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre. It is based on a survey of 2,000 people and combines four groups of factors that influence getting to sleep when you're sick: temperature, position, light and the food and drink you've taken.

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