Friday, February 09, 2007

Another 15 Minutes...Health News from Fade

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National News

Hewitt puts Blears's ward closure to appeal panel - The Independent 9th February 2007

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Hazel Blears, the chair of the Labour Party, has succeeded in having her protest over the closure of a local hospital maternity unit referred to an NHS appeal panel by Patricia Hewitt, the Health Secretary. Ms Hewitt has referred the threatened closures of hospitals in the Manchester area, including the maternity unit in the Labour chairman's Salford constituency, to the independent reconfiguration panel for a review of the plan.

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Bid to create market for vaccines - BBC Health News 9th February 2007

The UK and other leading industrialised nations are setting up a £750m ($1.5bn) fund to speed up the development of new vaccines for use in poorer countries. The plan is to subsidise the future purchase of vaccines in the hope this will galvanise drug firms into action.

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Autism-like disorder 'reversible' - BBC Health News 9th February 2007

The symptoms of a severe brain disorder similar to autism, which affects around 10,000 UK children, could be reversed, scientists believe. A team at Edinburgh University made symptoms of Rett syndrome disappear in mice by activating a single gene, the magazine Science reports.

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Many GPs ' prefer private care' - BBC Health News 9th February 2007

Nearly 40% of GPs would prefer to be treated privately rather than relying on the NHS, a survey says. The poll of 1,723 doctors for Hospital Doctor magazine found 28% of GPs had private health care, compared to 22% of all doctors, including consultants.

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Rise in abortions after Christmas - BBC Health News 9th February 2007

Heavy Christmas drinking and partying, leading to unprotected sex, could be to blame for a record number of abortions last month, says a UK charity. A total of 5,992 abortions were carried out at Marie Stopes International's nine UK clinics in January - a rise of 13% on the 5,304 in January 2005.

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Third person cleared of bird flu - BBC Health News 9th February 2007

A third worker involved in dealing with the bird flu outbreak on a farm in Suffolk has tested negative for the disease, health experts have announced. The worker, who was tested after feeling ill, had been at the Bernard Matthews Farm in Holton where the H5N1 virus was confirmed on Friday.

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Child flu jab 'veto' questioned - BBC Health News 9th February 2007

A leading doctor has questioned the government's policy of not offering routine flu jabs for the under-twos. Dr George Kassianos, the Royal College of General Practitioners' immunisation expert, argues vaccinating infants would prevent illness and save lives

International News

GlaxoSmithKline to build research centre in China - The Independent 9th February 2007

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GlaxoSmithKline is to expand its global presence by establishing a research and development site in China. The chief executive Jean-Pierre Garnier said Europe's largest drug-maker wanted to compete with the rest of the world and tap into China's massive potential.

Cumbria and Lancashire News

Mum died after TB operation went wrong - Lancashire Telegraph 9th February 2007

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Mum died after TB operation went wrong From the Lancashire Telegraph, first published Thursday 8th Feb 2007. A 52-YEAR-OLD mum-of-four died after an exploratory operation went wrong. An inquest heard that Jamila Bi Zahoor underwent a laparoscopy at Royal Blackburn Hospital and tissue samples were taken to establish whether she had tuberculosis.

Lets Dig Deep For Cancer Centre - Preston Citizen 9th February 2007

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THE biggest ever appeal by a county NHS cancer centre has been launched in Preston. It is hoped the £650,000 will bring "one of the biggest breakthroughs in radiotherapy in recent years" to the Rosemere Cancer Centre at Royal Preston Hospital


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