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National News
Cerebral secrets with spice on the menu - The Guardian 29/11/06
For many years the place to go for high octane debate about the future of the NHS and social care was the elegant dinner table of the Nuffield Trust. The occasions were cerebral, but secret - and you couldn't go if you weren't invited.
First show of decline in teen pregnancies - The Guardian 29/11/06
A chink of optimism for the government's beleaguered national teenage pregnancy strategy shows an 11% decline in the number of under-18s giving birth since its launch in 1999.
Some activists say the disability movement is focusing on all the wrong issues - The Guardian 29/11/06
According to some activists, the disability movement is focusing on all the wrong issues and has lost its way. So where next?
An award-winning training programme helps people find a career in social care - The Guardian 29/11/06
An award-winning training programme helps people to swap the dole queue for a career in social care
Raj, 32, is a registered paramedic with seven years' experience - The Guardian 29/11/06
Raj, 32, is a registered paramedic with seven years' experience. He earns £32,000, including an unsocial hours payment
Britain's binge drinkers begin to sober up - The Guardian 29/11/06
A tide of binge drinking that threatened to engulf Britain has started to recede, according to official figures yesterday. In 2004, 39% of men admitted drinking more than the "sensible" daily maximum set by the government, but this fell to 35% last year. Over the same period, the proportion of women exceeding the sensible limit fell from 24% to 22%, the Office for National Statistics said.
Excessive drinking among men and women starts on downward trend - The Independent 29/11/06
1 in 5 men classed as excessive drinkers - The Telegraph 29/11/06
New system aids hunt for intensive care cots -The Guardian 29/11/06
Doctors looking for intensive care cots for premature or sick babies will be able to find them more quickly following the launch of an online cot locater system yesterday.
1.6m children in housing crisis -The Guardian 29/11/06
One in seven children in Britain is homeless or trapped in temporary accommodation or bad housing, research by homeless charity Shelter reveals today.
Mothers who sleep with new babies 'have more success at breast-feeding' - The Times 29/11/06
Government advice urging mothers to place newborn babies in a cot at night rather than in their bed is detrimental to breast-feeding, according to new research.
Writer energised by cancer drug stands to become a winner - The Times 29/11/06
A man who believes that drugs prescribed for cancer helped him to finish the novel he began 30 years ago has been shortlisted for a highly regarded literary prize.
Cancer forced me to write, says author - The Telegraph 29/11/06
The numbers and words to define modern poverty - The Times 29/11/06
Oliver Letwin claims incorrectly that the number of people living on less than 40 per cent of median income has grown by 750,000 under Labour (Comment, “Sir Humphrey, we can beat poverty”, Nov 27).
Get your drunk workers home safely, Acas tells bosses - The Telegraph 29/11/06
Employers have "a duty of care" to ensure drunken staff get home safely after office Christmas parties, legal experts warned in guidelines published yesterday.
The wine diet, day 3: how to live well - and save your life - The Telegraph 29/11/06
When you eat, how long you sleep, even how often you visit the dentist, can play a part in boosting good health, says Professor Roger Corder
Enjoy a glass or two with meals - but go easy on the refills - The Telegraph 29/11/06
Cancer forced me to write, says author - The Telegraph 29/11/06
A former rock singer and publisher was celebrating yesterday – in his own way – after his debut novel, which had taken him 30 years to write, was shortlisted for one of the country's top literary prizes.
The best way to get teeth whiter than white - Daily Mail 28/11/06
We all want a brighter, whiter smile, but with whitening treatments at the dentist costing up to £750 a time, many people are turning to DIY kits.
Walking stick that calls an ambulance - Daily Mail 28/11/06
A walking stick that calls an ambulance if its owner is injured has been developed by scientists. The revolutionary walking aid is packed with sensors that can recognise whether it is in a vertical or horizontal position.
£10m burns centre to 'give hope' - BBC Health News 29/11/06
A burns research centre which a charity says offers "hope to thousands" is to be set up in both Cardiff and Swansea.
NHS funding 'reaching key areas' - BBC Health News 29/11/06
A detailed breakdown of NHS spending shows money is reaching key health priorities, the government says.
Delay in nurse misconduct cases - BBC Health News 28/11/06
The safety of NHS patients is at risk because of long delays in hearing complaints against nurses.
'No tabloid laws' on mental care - BBC Health News 28/11/06
Ministers have been warned not to create laws "dictated by the tabloid press", in a debate on proposals to toughen up mental health legislation.
Luxury hotel tested in spy probe - BBC Health News 28/11/06
Police investigating the radiation poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko are examining a five-star London hotel.
Trusts 'not reporting' superbugs - BBC Health News 28/11/06
Outbreaks of the potentially lethal hospital bug Clostridium difficile are not being reported by some hospitals, says the body monitoring infections.
Red tape 'causing mental illness' - BBC Health News 28/11/06
Constant political interference is causing stress-induced mental breakdowns in public servants, a consultant psychiatrist has claimed.
Marine died from medical failings - BBC Health News 28/11/06
A Royal Marine who died when his heart stopped beating suddenly while on duty in Iraq should "not have been in the Armed Forces".
'No barriers' let bug into water - BBC Health News 28/11/06
A stomach bug which left hundreds ill entered the north Wales water supply because treatment procedures were not sufficient, says an official report.
International News
Arthritis drug dangers explained - BBC Health News 28/11/06
Scientists believe they have uncovered why some arthritis drugs such as Vioxx can cause heart attacks and strokes.
Face transplant woman can smile - BBC Health News 28/11/06
The recipient of the first partial face transplant has recovered so well she can go out without people noticing her scars, her surgeon has said.
Small ecstasy use 'harms brain' - BBC Health News 28/11/06
Even small amounts of the illegal drug ecstasy can be harmful to the brains of first time users, researchers say.
US court rejects cigarette case - BBC Health News 28/11/06
The US Supreme Court has backed a 2005 Illinois court ruling that threw out a $10.1bn (£5.2bn) damages claim against US tobacco giant Philip Morris.
Anger at Togo's herbal advert ban - BBC Health News 27/11/06
Togo's authorities say they will enforce a ban on advertisements for traditional medicines and pastors who claim to have healing powers.
Cheshire and Merseyside News
Blood centre 'set to close' - Liverpool Daily Post 28/11/06
THE future of Liverpool’s blood centre is hanging in the balance, trade union officials warned last night.
Royal calls in MRSA hit squad - Liverpool Daily Post 28/11/06
MERSEYSIDE’S largest hospital trust has called in an MRSA hit squad after regional health bosses branded it one of the worst in the North West for the spread of the bug.
Cumbria and Lancashire News
Hospital visitors warned - Carlisle News & Star 28/11/06
HOSPITAL visitors are being urged to take extra precautions this winter following a further outbreak of diarrhoea and vomiting.
Greater Manchester News
Christie opens doors on new £7m unit - Manchester Evening News 28/11/06
A NEW unit to care for critically ill cancer patients will open this week at Christie Hospital after a four-year battle.
Gran, 82 ‘left on trolley at A&E door’, inquest told - Lancashire Telegraph 28/11/06
A GRANDMOTHER was left on a trolley between the sliding doors at the A&E entrance to Blackburn's new super hospital, an inquest was told.
It’s just the tonic for our healthy schools - Lancashire Telegraph 28/11/06
GOVERNMENT chiefs have saluted Lancashire for leading the way when it comes to creating healthy schools.
Blood service strike threat - The Bolton News 28/11/06
The NHS Blood Service could face a strike by technicians and scientists at its Manchester and Liverpool centres over Christmas in a nationwide dispute over jobs.
Nursing home jobs face axe in cutbacks - The Bolton News 28/11/06
JOBS and services at a nursing home could be axed to save Bolton Council £500,000.
Katerina shows off her brain wave to MPs - The Bolton News 28/11/06
A UNIVERSITY student was presenting research to MPs today on what she believes is a ground breaking discovery.
Hospital payouts escalate - The Bolton News 28/11/06
THE amount of compensation paid out by the Royal Bolton Hospital has rocketed by £1 million in the last two years.
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