Thursday, November 09, 2006


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National News

Eye cell transplants on mice raise hopes of blindness cure - The Guardian 09/11/06

British scientists have restored vision to blind mice in a breakthrough operation that raises hopes for thousands of people affected by the most common causes of blindness. Doctors at Moorfields Eye Hospital and the Institute of Child Health in London repaired the animals' eyes in the world's first successful transplantation of light-sensitive cells into retinas.

Stem-cell transfer breakthrough raises hopes for blindness cure - The Independent 09/11/06

Transplant brings hope that blind may see again - The Telegraph 09/11/06

Stem cell treatment could cure blindness - Daily Mail 09/11/06

Cell transplants 'restore sight' - BBC Health News 08/11/06

Much loved local services at risk, NHS chief warns MPs - The Guardian 09/11/06

The head of the NHS wrote to all MPs in England yesterday warning of a wave of closures and fundamental changes to "much loved local services" that may cause strong political emotions in their constituencies.

Danger: Chemical Hazards - The Guardian 09/11/06

This week, two scientists called for curbs on the use of 200 chemicals - to protect very young children. They were accused of scaremongering, but anyone who dismisses worries about our toxic world, writes Sarah Boseley, should remember what happened to the Romans ...

You've got the man and had the career: now adopt the kids - The Times 09/11/06

Career women in their forties who have left it too late to start families of their own are being approached in a campaign to find homes for thousands of children.

'Adopting at 44 bowled me over' - The Times 09/11/06

Jacquie Barnes was 44 when she and husband, Stephen, adopted their twin sons and daughter.

Family planning doctor 'told patient she needed exorcism' - The Times 09/11/06

A doctor at a family planning clinic told a patient that she needed an exorcism because there was something sinister moving around inside her stomach, a medical tribunal was told yesterday.

NHS doctor 'told patient she was possessed by evil' - The Telegraph 09/11/06

Regular massage 'helps babies to cry less and sleep better' - The Telegraph 09/11/06

Babies who are given regular massage cry less, sleep better and have less stress hormones, researchers say.

Parents told to massage babies for good night's sleep - Daily Mail 08/11/06

Children at risk as documents reveal 'shambolic' vaccinations system - Daily Mail 08/11/06

Children's vaccination levels could be in danger because of "shambolic" record keeping, it has been revealed.

Bladder cancer early smoking link - BBC Health News 09/11/06

Smoking while underage - or even being exposed to second-hand smoke as a child - increases the risk of bladder cancer in later life, a study suggests.

Cherie launches Aids conference - BBC Health News 08/11/06

Prime Minister Tony Blair has not forgotten about Africa, his wife Cherie told a group of delegates in Edinburgh.

Inquiry into vaccination concerns - BBC Health News 08/11/06

Patients at an Aberdeen GP practice may have been exposed to the risk of illness by vaccines possibly being stored at wrong temperatures.

Girl, 4, 'suffering depression' - BBC Health News 08/11/06

A four-year-old is suffering from depression because she cannot attend the same primary school as her nursery friends, according to her doctor.

International News

Surgeons ready to perform first womb transplant - The Times 09/11/06

Doctors are preparing to carry out what they hope will be the world’s first successful womb transplant.

US success raises fresh hope of a vaccination for cancer - The Times 09/11/06

Mice vaccinated with stem cells have proved to be resistant to lung cancer.

Smoking 'reduces the chances of pregnancy' - The Telegraph 09/11/06

Heavy smoking significantly reduces the chances of a woman becoming pregnant because it undermines the ability of fertilised eggs to implant in the lining of the womb, according to research to be published today.

Smoking 'may block embryo's path' - BBC Health News 08/11/06

Two fizzy drinks a day increase risk of pancreatic cancer by 90 per cent - Daily Mail 08/11/06

Consuming two cans of fizzy drinks a day can double your risk of developing one of the most fatal types of cancer, say researchers.

Bird flu expert set to lead WHO - BBC Health News 08/11/06

A Chinese expert on bird flu is set to become the next head of the World Health Organization.

South Dakota rejects abortion ban - BBC Health News 08/11/06

Voters in South Dakota have rejected a near total ban on abortion in one of the highest profile state referendums taking place alongside the US polls.

Cheshire and Merseyside News

Decision on drugs leads to protest - Northwich Chronicle 08/11/06

IT'S 100 years since Alzheimer's disease was first diagnosed, but a century on carers and mental health professionals fear that treatment is moving backwards, not forwards.

Help at hand for syndrome victims - Northwich Chronicle 08/11/06

AN ACTION group for parents and carers of Asperger's syndrome sufferers is offering a series of training and aware-ness events.

MP backs sensors initiative - Northwich Chronicle 08/11/06

PENSIONERS are being given dignity and independence through the use of technology in Mid Cheshire homes.

Hospital assaults on the increase - Knutsford Guardian 08/11/06

ASSAULTS on staff at Leighton Hospital and the Victoria Infirmary in Northwich have increased by 74 per cent despite a new partnership between hospitals and police.

Jobs freeze could push health services beyond limit - Middlewich Guardian 08/11/06

JOB freezes in the NHS for Central and Eastern Cheshire could push health services to breaking point and cause bed blocking, a leading medic has warned.

Cumbria and Lancashire News

Teenager hopes cancer fight will inspire others - Lancashire Telegraph 08/11/06

A TEENAGER has revealed his anguish at being diagnosed with testicular cancer at just 17 - and his determination to beat the disease.

Mobile van offers help to blind - Carlisle News & Star 07/11/06

A MOBILE advice van is visiting Cumbria and south west Scotland to provide support to people with sight problems.

Greater Manchester News

Hospital is closer to Foundation Trust status - The Bolton News 08/11/06

THE Royal Bolton Hospital has moved a step closer to becoming one of just a few dozen foundation trusts in the country.

Binge drink shock figures - The Bolton News 08/11/06

THE number of binge drinkers in Bolton needing urgent medical attention has soared since new 24-hour drinking laws were introduced.

Smokers deserve NHS treatment - The Bolton News 08/11/06

I REALLY must agree with Brian Derbyshire (Friday, November 3). What right has anyone to decide who is going to get health care or not? Who do they think they are?

Hospital gave this patient satisfaction - The Bolton News 08/11/06

I WOULD like to thank the caring staff of The Royal Bolton Hospital.