Tuesday, February 22, 2005

National and International News

Watchdog under fire as cancer-dye foods top 400 - The Guardian 22/02/05

More than 400 well-known processed foods are to be removed from sale because they are contaminated with an illegal red dye which can cause cancer, it emerged yesterday.

The Food Standards Agency's latest list of foods contaminated by Sudan 1 - The Guardian 22/02/05

The Independent 22/02/05
Daily Telegraph 22/02/05
The Daily Mail 22/02/05
BBC Health News 22/02/05
The Times 22/02/05

Without meat children are damaged, say scientists - The Guardian 22/02/05

Some say meat is murder, while others dismiss a meal without animal products as rabbit food. Now a leading US nutritionist has given both sides something to chew on with a claim that parents who refuse to feed children meat are acting unethically.

Daily Telegraph 22/02/05
BBC Health News 22/02/05
The Independent 22/02/05
Manchester Evening News 22/02/05

'Teenagers who had taken a virginity pledge were a third less likely to use contraception when they first had sex' - The Independent 22/02/05

So, after eight years out of power, the Tories have finally come up with their grand plan for tackling the problems of teenage pregnancy, binge drinking and drug use - they're going to tell young people to "just say no".

The killer in your cupboard - The Independent 22/02/05

They can cause heart attacks and diabetes, yet most of us know nothing about them - let alone how to avoid them. Catherine Nixey lifts the lid on trans fats

Must we follow the doctor's orders? - The Independent 22/02/05

Shocked by her own experiences, Lynne McTaggart has declared war on the medical profession. And the docs are fighting back. Maxine Frith enters the fray

I see life in a whole new light - The Independent 22/02/05

When Julie Hearn was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition that means she could go blind, she spurned conventional medicine for a diet of bilberries and kale

Signing facilities at surgeries - The Guardian 22/02/05

GPs will be told today to make sign language translation available in every practice in England to improve mental health services for deaf people, particularly children.

'I could have picked the baby up and thrown him' - The Guardian 22/02/05

As the NSPCC launches a campaign to help parents deal with anger, a mother tells how frustration with her son's crying almost led to violence

UN call for ban on all cloning is attacked - Daily Telegraph 22/02/05

The Royal Society yesterday condemned a United Nations call for a ban on all forms of human cloning.

Umbilical cord blood banks 'are exploiting parents' - Daily Telegraph 22/02/05

Private companies that offer to store the umbilical cord blood of babies as an insurance policy against future serious illnesses were criticised yesterday for exploiting vulnerable parents.

Novartis hits acquisition trail - The Daily Mail 22/02/05

Swiss pharmaceuticals giant Novartis is set to become the world's biggest maker of generic drugs after announcing the details of an acquisition spree worth 5.65 billion euros (£3.9bn).

Prince's new architecture blast - BBC Health News 22/02/05

Prince Charles has launched an attack on the "cavalier attitude" of Britain's architects and town planners. He told a Royal College of Physicians conference how car-focused cities affect rates of obesity, respiratory problems, asthma and heart disease.

The Daily Mail 22/02/05

Pharmacist 'trusted Shipman' - The Guardian 22/02/05

A pharmacist who supplied Harold Shipman with the diamorphine he used to kill some of his 250 victims did not see it as her job to query the unusual dosages he asked for, a disciplinary committee heard yesterday.

Hospital worker accused of rape - The Daily Mail 22/02/05

A care assistant raped two patients when he was allowed back to work after being cleared of sexually assaulting other women on his ward, the Old Bailey has heard.

Migraine link to heart attack risk - The Daily Mail 22/02/05

Migraine sufferers appear to be more susceptible to the major risk factors for heart disease, research has suggested.

NHS to get sports injury doctors - BBC Health News 22/02/05

A new breed of NHS doctors are being created to specialise in treating and preventing sports injuries.

Two die in German rabies outbreak - BBC Health News 22/02/05

Two people have died in Germany after receiving organs from a donor infected with rabies.

Op to remove baby's second head - BBC Health News 22/02/05

Doctors have operated successfully to remove a second head from a 10-month-old baby.

Thirty-three stone man sectioned - BBC Health News 22/02/05

A 33-stone man from East Sussex with a rare condition is back home after being sectioned under the Mental Health Act.

The Times 22/02/05

Air pollution causes early deaths - BBC Health News 22/02/05

Air pollution is responsible for 310,000 premature deaths in Europe each year, research suggests.

'Patients influenced my writing' - BBC Health News 22/02/05

Patients in the Govan area of Glasgow are unlikely to recognise themselves in the work of their former GP Dr Suhayl Saadi.

Surgical aid sees into the future - BBC Health News 22/02/05

A virtual reality system could help surgeons see how heart operations pan out before undertaking them for real.

Activity 'cuts Parkinson's risk' - BBC Health News 22/02/05

Physical activity may decrease the risk of developing Parkinson's disease, research suggests.

Smoking ban 'may harm patients' - BBC Health News 22/02/05

Mental health hospitals should not impose a smoking ban as it could harm patients on acute wards, experts say.

NHS strips Africa of its doctors - The Times 22/02/05

RECRUITING doctors and nurses from Ghana has saved the National Health Service £65 million in training costs since 1999, according to a report by Save the Children.

Cheshire and Mersey News

Cancer fear drove man to strangle sick wife - Liverpool Daily Post 22/02/05

A MERSEYSIDE man hanged himself after the apparent mercy killing of his wife, an inquest heard.

Health tribunal 'close' to deal - Carlisle News & Star 22/02/05

AN employment tribunal due to hear a landmark equal pay case involving 1,300 women healthworkers from North Cumbria today granted lawyers more time for negotiations after hearing that they are near reaching a settlement.

Service resumed at hospital - Warrington Guardian 21/02/05

NORMAL service is almost resumed at Warrington Hospital after an underground fire caused power cuts to many wards, damaging electrical cables. Repair work to underground cabling has now been completed and the main power supply is almost back to normal.

Cumbria and Lancashire News

How German climic cured my back agony [letter] - Bolton Evening News 21/02/05

THE pain in her back and legs was so excruciating that Glenys Barton could no longer sit down. Years of expert consultation brought no improvement. Eventually, Glenys travelled to a clinic in Munich, where she was cured overnight. She tells Andrew Mosley her story.

Danger food list 'to grow' - Bolton Evening News 21/02/05

MORE food might have to be removed from the shelves of supermarkets and shops in Bolton in the scare over a potentially cancer-causing dye.

Health bosses will not listen - Bolton Evening News 21/02/05

SURGEON Tony Banks has expressed his misgivings about the way in which the Royal Bolton Hospital is being run, and his fears for its future.

Pick Your Own Site for Surgery - Blackburn Citizen 21/02/05

PATIENTS are set to be given the right to choose which hospitals they are treated in. East Lancashireís primary care trusts are drawing up plans, to fall in line with Government policy, called 'Choose and Book' which will mean anyone being referred to a consultant by their GP will be offered up to five different places for treatment.

Greater Manchester News

Hospitals need housekeepers - Manchester Evening News 22/02/05

NHS bosses have promised to do better after a survey revealed that hospitals are getting dirtier despite rising fears about the superbug MRSA.

Danger foods still on sale - Manchester Evening News 22/02/05

FOOD containing a cancer-causing dye is still on sale in Manchester shops, an MEN investigation has revealed.