National and International News
Older mobiles may cause tumours: study
People who have used a mobile phone for 10 years are more likely to develop a certain kind of tumour, says a study by a Swedish institute.
Yahoo News 18/10/04
Government urged to clarify NPfIT funding
IT trade body Intellect has asked the government to come clean about funding for the National Programme for IT (NPfIT), the multibillion-pound NHS IT overhaul, so that implementation costs do not eat into cash reserved for vulnerable IT suppliers.
Yahoo News 18/10/04
Breast cancer girl sent home by hospital seven times
A teenager who repeatedly turned up at a hospital in agony was sent home seven times even though she was already being investigated for breast cancer. Janine Davidson, 18, was told the pain she was enduring was probably "psychological" and given packets of paracetamol, her family claim.
Daily Mail 18/10/04
Schools to promote healthcare
Two secondary schools are to become the first in the UK to promote healthcare and health service careers to young people.
Daily Mail 18/10/04
Mother calls for abortion review
A mother is calling for a judicial review of guidelines that allow abortions to be carried out on young girls without their parents' knowledge.
BBC Health News 18/10/04
Passive smoking threat underlined
Breathing in secondhand smoke massively increases the risk of lung cancer and heart disease, an official report by medical scientists shows.
BBC Health News 18/10/04
The Guardian 18/10/04
'700 GP surgeries not up to scratch'
Patients at hundreds of GP surgeries in England are being treated in premises that do not meet minimum standards for modern health provision, it has emerged.
Daily Mail 18/10/04
BBC Health News 18/10/04
Cranberries can help to combat herpes
Cranberries have been shown to help combat one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in Britain.
The Independent 18/10/04
Beer bottles are next for health warnings
From next month beer bottles will start to carry a health warning in the latest move by the brewing industry to try to curb Britain's growing appetite for binge drinking.
The Guardian 18/10/04
Government to examine abortion allegations
The chief medical officer (CMO), Sir Liam Donaldson, has been ordered to investigate allegations that the British Pregnancy Advisory Service counselled hundreds of women to have a late term abortion in a Spanish clinic.
The Guardian 18/10/04
Health briefing: October 18 2004
Read how a doctor pleaded in vain for an ambulance for a dying teenage patient. Find out about plans to put health warnings on beer bottles. Earn up to 80,884 working to improve the health of people in Ayrshire and Arran
The Guardian 18/10/04
Hospital superbugs 'are chief nurse's top priority'
Combating the rise of hospital acquired infections including the superbug MRSA will be the top priority for the new chief nursing officer, according to the health secretary, John Reid.
The Guardian 18/10/04
Help! I've found porn in my son's bedroom
Anger, rash threats and overreaction are no answer to a boy019s secret stash of 018dirty019 mags. Better he looks at a few Page 3-style photos than hunts for more explicit material.
The Times 18/10/04
UK Gulf war veterans call for action
British veterans of the first Gulf war and their supporters yesterday demanded that the Ministry of Defence accept that many were ill because of their service 13 years ago, following further evidence that US medical advisers were prepared to do so.
The Guardian 18/10/04
Fees pledge on information act
Lord Falconer, the constitutional affairs secretary, promises today that the government will not charge prohibitive fees for information under the Freedom of Information Act.
The Guardian 18/10/04
Influenza fears
EASTER, August Bank Holiday, Hallowe019en, Guy Fawkes Night, Christmas and New Year mark the passing seasons. There is another less festive marker: the first coughs that herald the beginning of the flu season. Already, as the shops fill with Hallowe'en goodies, the first reports appear of mini-outbreaks of upper respiratory diseases, some of which could denote the advance of flu.
The Times 18/10/04
Dear NHS, I quit
NHS Professionals was set up to provide temporary staff more efficiently but is estimated to be 5m in debt. For nurse Sue Macey it was the last straw.
The Times 18/10/04
Night shift killer gave fatal dose to at least 16 patients
THE townsfolk of sleepy Sonthofen avert their heads when they see the unmarked grey van outside the cemetery. Something sinister has entered their lives.
The Times 18/10/04
Osteoporosis rules 'will give poor care'
OSTEOPOROSIS specialists are preparing to challenge guidelines prepared by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence that they claim prevent adequate care.
The Times 18/10/04
Doctors ignore A&E vacancies
Shortage of casualty consultants forces hospitals to look to America, despite previous failure.
The Times 18/10/04
Die young if you're too busy
PEOPLE who pursue a busy work life that leaves little time for proper meals or exercise are more at risk of a premature death from high cholesterol levels, research suggests.
The Times 18/10/04
Now busy parents hire personal trainers for overweight children
The fitness industry says that more families are seeking help to cut the next generation down to size.
The Times 18/10/04
The Times 18/10/04
Graphic: Exercise for children. The Times 18/10/04
Dying boy, 16 forced to wait two hours for ambulance
A dying teenager had to wait almost two hours for an ambulance to take him a few hundred yards to an intensive care unit at the hospital where he was being treated for leukaemia.
The Telegraph 18/10/04
The Guardian 18/10/04
How cancer could be hidden in a transplant
Ovary transplants designed to restore fertility to women after cancer treatment could return the disease to their bodies, researchers will warn today.
The Telegraph 18/10/04
Bush's stance attacked
President George W Bush's opposition to cloning is making it easier for maverick scientists to try to clone babies, Britain's leading scientist says today.
TheTelegraph 18/10/04
Scientists seeking to create embryos with three parents
British scientists have applied for a licence to create human embryos with three genetic parents in an experiment that could lead to new cures for hereditary diseases.
The Telegraph 18/10/04
Why medical advice from the internet can be bad for your health
Patients who follow the guidance of health websites and computer packages to help them with their illness can end up more sick than those who stick to the advice of their doctor, according to research published today.
The Telegraph 18/10/04
Dentists attacked for offering patients Botox jabs
There was once a time when a visit to the dentist meant nothing more than a check-up and perhaps the odd filling.
The Telegraph 18/10/04
Cheshire and Merseyside News
Arrowe Park 'deserves some credit'
PARAMEDICS were called to my home after I collapsed. I was taken to Arrowe Park Hospital and had to have an emergency life saving operation. I was transferred to the Intensive Therapy Unit for five days and was then transferred to Ward 16.
Wirral Globe 18/10/04
Nothing but admiration for NHS - parents
FURTHER to the article regarding baby Obediah Blu (Globe, September 22), I felt it necessary to write to you to advise of our similar circumstance.
Wirral Globe 18/10/04
Patients will plan stay in hospital
TWO Merseyside hospitals are pioneering a new database that will allow patients to plan their hospital stay, in an effort to combat bed-blocking.
Daily Post 18/10/04
Greater Manchester News
Mum takes abortion fight to High Court
A MUM has launched a High Court battle to ensure that her young daughters will never be able to have an abortion without her knowledge.
Manchester Evening News 18/10/04
Tot suffocated on sofa
A CORONER has warned of the dangers of parents sleeping snuggled up to their babies after a three-week-old boy was apparently suffocated on a sofa by his father.
Manchester Evening News 18/10/04
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