Friday, July 09, 2004

National and International News

Fat lot of good?

Eating too much white bread may be bad for the waistline.

The Times 08/07/04

GP's victims win right to sue health authority

Woman patients of the disgraced GP Clifford Ayling have won the go-ahead in the High Court to sue the health authority for his negligence.

The Times 08/07/04

Modern medical training 'danger'

Modern medical training risks depriving undergraduate doctors of basic knowledge, a report warns.

The Guardian 08/07/04

'Mothers steal babies' cells'

Women who give birth may help themselves live longer by stealing some of their unborn child's cells.

The Guardian 08/07/04

Prince's health advice an 'abuse of position'

The Prince of Wales is abusing his power by championing alternative health therapies and diverting funds away from science-based medical research, according to one of Britain’s leading doctors.

The Times 08/07/04
The Times 08/07/04
The Guardian 08/07/04

Salty foods named and shamed by FSA

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has named a number of popular products that it says contain excessive salt. Some had more than half the maximum recommended daily amount for adults in a single serving.

The Times 08/07/04
The Independent 09/07/04

Scheme to process NHS clinical tests in India

The government is considering shipping blood and urine samples from NHS patients to India for clinical tests in order to cut costs.

The Guardian 08/07/04

Why the prostate is no longer a taboo subject

So unmentionable in society has the prostate been that even Leonardo da Vinci left it out of his meticulously accurate anatomical atlas. But now the prostate is spoken of even under the chandeliers of St James’s Palace, where the Prostate Research Campaign (PRC) recently held a dinner, presided over by its patron, the Duchess of Gloucester. The dinner marked the PRC’s tenth anniverary, and also the elevation of Anthony Kilminster, its co-founder, from secretary to president of the organisation. The other co-founder, Kilminster’s wife Sheila, will continue in a consultancy role.

The Times 08/07/04

Cheshire and Mersey News

Act now over health divide

More action is needed to tackle the north-south health divide, campaigners have told the government.

Liverpool Echo 08/07/04

Dying wish

A Bootle man died 10 days after filming a hard-hitting anti-smoking advert.

Bootle Times 08/07/04

Government inspectors attack failing youth service

Government inspectors have attacked Halton's performance in helping the area's youngsters.

Daily Post 08/07/04

Shock rise in sex diseases

Every day, 16 more people in Merseyside find out they have a sexually transmitted infection.

Liverpool Echo 08/07/04

Shocked scientists find cancer link in UK rivers

North Wales scientists have issued a shocking health warning after uncovering a huge rise in cancer-causing chemicals in British rivers.

Daily Post 08/07/04

Cumbria and Lancashire News

Funding crisis threat to major projects

Regeneration projects aimed at breathing new life into East Lancashire have been hit by a massive funding crisis.

Lancashire Evening Telegraph 08/07/04

Sex disease shocker

Shocking statistics out today show unprecedented increases in some sexual diseases in East Lancashire.

Lancashire Evening Telegraph 08/07/04

Greater Manchester News

Be aware of Alzheimer's

I would like to thank Hannah Stephenson and the Bolton Evening News for publicising Alzheimer's Awareness Week in the recent article.

Bolton Evening News 08/07/04

Freedom for 100-year-old who killed his wife

A 100 year old man who killed his wife with a knife as an "act of love" walked free from a court today.

Manchester Evening News 08/07/04

Good health is on the menu

Restaurants in Bolton with the recipe for good health have been showered with awards.

Bolton Evening News 08/07/04

The sex disease crisis

Shocking new figures out today reveal that 80 people a day in the north west are contracting a sexually transmitted infection.

Manchester Evening News 08/07/04