International, National & Local News
Available now - more than 200 ways in which to offend your patient
When a doctor says he is going digging for worms in the yummy scrummy mummy, his fellow medics will know exactly what he is about to do.
The Indpenedent 18/08/03
Clue to infant heart disease risk
An abnormal gene may explain why small babies are more likely to develop heart disease later in life, say scientists.
BBC Health News 18/08/03
Heart drug may cut risk of blindness
HEART drugs could reduce the risk of developing the commonest cause of blindness in elderly people, a study in the British Journal of Ophthalmology has indicated
The Times 18/08/03
HSC seeks cash to lift nation's productivity
The health and safety watchdog is to make a bid for more cash in the next spending review by arguing that its work boosts the country's productivity and competitiveness.
Financial Times 18/08/03
Medical body under fire after diet claim
The Medical Research Council is facing questions over its scientific independence after it was forced to admit that a nutrition expert who criticised the Atkins diet had accepted cash to investigate the benefits of a high carbohydrate diet.
Financial Times 18/08/03
New arrivals 'should take health test'
HEALTH tests for immigrants would be a practical, cost-effective policy that would stop the spread of diseases in Britain, a former Australian Health Minister has said.
The Times 18/08/03
Pizza Hut imposes total ban on smoking
A PIZZA restaurant company with 350 branches across Britain has become the first popular chain to impose a ban on smoking on its premises.
The Times 18/08/03
ITV News 18/08/03
Sinus problems link to ME
Chronic fatigue could be linked to sinusitis, scientists have suggested.
BBC Health News 18/08/03
Smallpox vaccines ‘appear to last for life’
AN INTERNATIONAL smallpox epidemic, caused by terrorists releasing the virus, is less likely than had been feared because vaccinations have been found to give protection for longer than expected.
The Times 18/08/03
Surgery may help stop migraines
People who suffer from chronic migraines could benefit from surgery, it has been suggested.
BBC Health News 18/08/03
Workplace watchdog 'in safe hands'
The much-maligned health and safety watchdog, the favourite bugbear of tabloids, free-marketeers and the fulminating captains of the small business community, is a victim of "misrepresentation", its head insists.
Financial Times 18/008/03
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