Saturday, June 14, 2003

National and International News

A Milburn conundrum

Blair reshuffles his pack, moving Reid to the health job, then trumps it with radical government reform

The Guardian 13/06/03

Count genes, not calories

Until very recently the guiding principle of weight-loss programmes was that to maintain the weight that would make you happy, you had only to balance your calorific books. Calorific overspend was clearly the result of over-indulgence and lack of control. But now the old calorie-counting programmes are starting to look as cruel and antiquated, not to mention as inefficient, as debtors' prisons.

The Financial Times 13/06/03

Doctors warn cot death verdict could alter legal climate

The acquittal of Trupti Patel, the innocent mother cleared of killing three of her babies, has led to uncertainty about cot deaths that could lead to guilty parents getting away with murder, doctors said yesterday.

The Independent 13/06/03

Doctors welcome moderniser's end

Alan Milburn's resignation was greeted by cheers from hospital doctors yesterday, as they insisted the "jury was out" on whether he and his legacy would be deemed a success.

The Guardian 13/06/03
The Independent 13/06/03

Downing Street to press on with NHS 'revolution'

The NHS revolution of more choice for patients, more competition, greater use of the private sector and the introduction of foundation hospitals will continue unabated, officials at Number 10 insisted yesterday in the wake of the surprise departure of Alan Milburn.

The Financial Times 13/06/03

Milburn takes Westminster by surprise

Tony Blair's campaign to overhaul Britain's public services was dealt a dramatic blow on Thursday when Alan Milburn, the health secretary, unexpectedly resignedfrom the cabinet.

The Financial Times 13/06/03
The Guardian 13/06/03
The Independent 13/06/03
The Times 13/06/03

NHS failings 'cause Caesarean hike'

Poor facilities in maternity units mean women are less likely to have a natural birth, campaigners have suggested.
The National Childbirth Trust (NCT), which surveyed new mothers, found women who felt they did not have the space, privacy and control that they needed were more likely to have emergency Caesareans than those who felt they did.

BBC Health News 13/06/03

Obese patients 'can have surgery'

People who are obese should not have to lose weight before they can have surgery, a study suggests. Surgeons often refuse to operate on patients who are significantly overweight because of fears they are more likely to suffer complications.

BBC Health News 13/06/03

'Pushy patients' get unfair advantage

People who are less assertive at the surgery miss out as "pushy patients" eat into their share of their doctor's time. A leading "health consumer" expert says that the problem is actually widening health inequalities, and making sure that less articulate - and more vulnerable patients - receive worse care.

BBC Health News 13/06/03

Rat-infested factory sold diseased meat for food, court told

Thousands of tons of condemned poultry intended for fertiliser and pet food was packaged at a rat-infested factory and sold for human consumption to manufacturers over a five-year period, a court heard yesterday.

The Independent 13/06/03

Reid thrust into yet another breach

Tony Blair last night appointed John Reid to his fifth cabinet post in four years when he switched his combative "minister for the Today programme" from leader of the Commons to health secretary after a tenure of barely 11 weeks.

The Guardian 13/06/03
The Times 13/06/03

Cheshire and Mersey News

Cumbria and Lancashire News

Hospital to be hit twice by strikes

PORTERS and cleaners at the Royal Bolton Hospital have voted in favour of two three-day strikes in a row over low pay. A total of 120 domestic staff employed by Danish-owned cleaning contractor ISS Mediclean are expected to take part in the dispute.

Bolton Evening News 13/06/03

Plan for `super hospital' in city

PLANS to set up a "super-hospital" in Central Manchester are being discussed in a move that would combine two of the county's leading children's hospitals.
A bold £250 million state-of-the-art hospital would replace Booth Hall and the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital in Pendlebury.

Bolton Evening News 12/06/03

Greater Manchester News

‘This shouldn’t have happened again’

THE daughter of a cancer patient who died in pain after not receiving pain relief from a locum doctor says she was “furious� when she picked up her copy of The Advertiser last week.

The Salford Advertiser 13/06/03