Health news via fade

Monday, June 23, 2003

National and International News

Britain's first 'designer baby' prompts call for law change

Eight more British families are to sidestep the law by following the example of a couple who travelled to America to use selective embryo screening to create a so-called "designer baby" to help save the life of their first child.

Independent 20/06/03
Independent 20/06/03
Britain tackles £3bn alcohol problem with £10 per drinker

The Government spends £10 a year on each person who drinks too much, despite alcohol addiction's £3bn cost to the National Health Service.

Independent 22/06/03
Cannabis policy goes up in smoke

Chief constables are refusing to sanction new proposals that reduce police powers of arrest against cannabis smokers in a rebellion against the Government.

Independent 22/06/03
Consultants threaten to strike as Reid digs in over pay

Hospital consultants look set to take the first industrial action in their history in a showdown with the Government over a new pay deal vital to reform of the NHS.

Independent 20/06/03
Doctors gave her little chance but Aaliyah is the miracle baby who defied the odds

Aaliyah Hart's tiny crumpled face shows the struggle she has been through. Weighing just 12oz (340g) when she was born and only 7in (17.8cm) long, she is the smallest baby in Britain for more than 60 years.


Family of man in failed bomb attack order second autopsy

The family of a suspected failed British suicide bomber whose body was found off the Israeli coast have ordered a private post-mortem examination. Relatives of Omar Khan Sharif, 27, of Derby, have suspicions about how he died, although Israeli pathologists are believed to have said death was due to drowning.

Independent 21/06/03
Gene therapy to get go-ahead from Reid

A genetic revolution that could transform the face of medical care in Britain will be unveiled this week, amid new safeguards for an emerging 'genetic underclass', whose DNA marks them out as likely to fall sick.

Guardian 22/06/03
GPs vote to accept contract giving them 26% pay rise

Family doctors voted yesterday to accept new contracts which will overhaul general practice for the first time in 50 years. The contracts will give doctors a 26 per cent pay rise over three years, taking a GP's average earnings to £82,000 by 2005.

Independent 21/06/03
Independent 20/06/03
Hong Kong expects to be taken off Sars list

Hong Kong will be removed automatically from the World Health Organisation's list of Sars infected areas on Monday if there have been no fresh outbreaks overnight - 100 days after it was designated a blighted city.

Financial Times 22/06/03
Hong Kong poised for Sars all-clear today

Hong Kong will be removed automatically from the World Health Organisation's list of Sars infected areas today if there have been no fresh outbreaks overnight - 100 days after it was designated a blighted city.

Financial Times 23/06/03
It's the real thing

Drinking water can protect your health, improve your concentration and even prevent depression. Yet only one in 10 of us is getting enough, according to research. Kate Hilpern hears why fizzy drinks, tea and coffee and even fruit juices just won't do the trick

Independent 23/06/03
Government determined to sell GM food to consumers

Crop production likely to be given the green light as Whitehall seeks to overcome public hostility

Independent 22/06/03
Labour MPs try to kill elite hospitals

TONY BLAIR will face a fresh challenge to his authority next month when Labour MPs try to kill off his plans for foundation hospitals.

Times 23/06/03
Landmark NHS pay deal agreed by doctors

Family doctors voted overwhelmingly yesterday for the biggest public sector pay deal since Labour took power. It will bring with it the biggest change in the way general practice is organised and funded in almost 40 years.

Financial Times 21/06/2003
Meacher say health risks were played down

The sacked environment minister, Michael Meacher, heaped embarrassment on Tony Blair yesterday when he accused the government of downplaying evidence that genetically modified crops could present a health hazard and of refusing to hold a debate.

Guardian 23/06/03
Independent 23/06/03
Independent 22/06/03
Mental health reforms failing to impact on patients, says charity

The government's strategy to improve mental health care is failing, with more than a quarter of people with severe psychiatric problems still being turned away from the NHS or social services, according to research published today.

Guardian 23/06/03
Patient power

'Pushy patients' have been accused of taking up unnecessarily lengthy appointment time with GPs at the expense of less assertive patients (News, last week).

Guardian 22/06/03
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Save your skin

Most of us now know how to stay safe in the sun. But what about your past sunbathing sins? Getting your moles checked out can give you peace of mind, says Isabel Lloyd

Independent 23/06/03
The disease is in her genes. Could a cure be there too?

The lives of young Ella Owen and thousands of cystic fibrosis sufferers could be transformed. But action must be taken now so the new genetics can benefit everyone. Gaby Hinsliff and Robin McKie report

Guardian 22/06/03
'The story of asbestos shows that it isn't easy to raise awareness of a threat without causing a panic'

Every trade succumbs to a bout of navel-gazing from time to time and now it happens to be the turn of my own. There has been an outbreak of articles and opinion pieces on the state of health reporting. The Lancet carries a critical editorial this week and the British Medical Journal has run a series of pieces that have, in the nicest possible way, put the boot in.

Independent 23/06/03
Cheshire and Mersey News

GPs accept new NHS contract

GPs have voted overwhelmingly to accept a new NHS contract that promises to bring about the biggest changes to general practice since the 1960s.

Liverpool Echo 20/06/03
GPs to learn contract decision

The result of a ballot among GPs on whether to accept a proposed new NHS contract is set to be announced.

Liverpool Echo 20/06/03
Minister snubs doctors over contract deadlock

NEW Health Secretary John Reid says he sees no reason to renegotiate a contract for consultants who are on the brink of industrial action.

Liverpool Echo 20/06/03
Cumbria and Lancashire News

Greater Manchester News